Yogurt is a fermented food, which contains one or more strains of friendly gut bacteria. This fermentation process improves the nutritional quality of any milk you use, resulting in about 20% more protein, and lots of enzymes and probiotics that can help your immunity, and digestion.
- 2 cups organic, full-fat, coconut milk
- 4 high-quality probiotic capsules
- 2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
- 1 Tbsp. pure vanilla extract
Preparation Method
- Pour coconut milk contents into a 1 litre glass mason jar.
- Twist open probiotic capsules, and pour into the coconut milk (discard capsule’s casing).
- Add maple syrup + vanilla. Whisk to combine. Cover jar with cheese cloth, and allow to set at room temp. for 24 hrs (out of direct sunlight).
- Pop yogurt into fridge, and chill for about 6 hrs. It will become thicker as it chills.
Keep in fridge for up to 2 weeks.