Slow Cooker Tonic
Make your life easier. Big batches of teas + tonics, in your slow cooker will help you simplify. This is one of my favourite things about winter. Ingredients 2 organic lemons 1 large chunk, fresh, organic, ginger root w. peel, cubed raw honey, to taste *add before serving* Preparation Method Slice lemons + roughly chop […]
Your Body Doesn’t Lie
Trust your own inner wisdom. Words to live by. Your body is always sending you little signals. It has it’s own language —it’s way of attempting to communicate with you. I’m constantly encouraging my clients to tune into what their body is really asking for. Often times, these physical clues show up in the form of […]
Nettle, a Food Based Multivitamin
When these little beauties pop up out of the ground, you know spring has truly arrived. They’re one of the first wild edibles to surface after winter, and for very good reason. When the weather warms up, it’s a signal to the body to do a bit of spring cleaning. Spring after all, marks the […]
Fire Cider
This stuff is powerful. All that’s required is 1 tsp / day to give immunity a boost, and add a natural anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial to your diet. I suggest taking a break from doing anything every, single day. I’ve adapted the original “Fire Cider” recipe a bit, and added cloves, and red chilli peppers. The […]
Green Thai Curry Soup
This is the yummiest green thai curry soup. Warms your belly right up on a cold, rainy night. Ingredients 1 Tbsp virgin coconut oil 1 onion, halved then sliced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 small red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped 2 Tbsp Thai green curry paste 2 cups fresh spinach, roughly chopped 1 cup […]
Sugar. How It’s Clogging Your Arteries
FAT FREE FAIL We’re understanding more than ever, that certain fats are healthy for the body – the heart included. It’s the hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans-fats – which are basically ultra heated and processed veggie oils that have been turned from liquid to solid at room temperature. When heated, especially to high temperatures, these […]
Apple Cider Tonic
This super tonic helps to strengthen immunity, improve bowel function + increase energy levels. Ingredients: 2 tbsp *raw apple cider vinegar 16 ounces filtered water *raw honey, to taste 1 – 2 cinnamon sticks Preparation Method: Mix ingredients together in a glass container. Stir before drinking as the “mother” will settle. Sip throughout the day […]
Avoiding the Wild Things
Modern-day life has it’s luxuries. It also has set backs. As far as food goes, there are some wild things out there. Here’s a few to watch out for: Sugar Substitutes Just to name a few: Aspartame, Splenda, Sweet & Low, Equal, Zero. These sugar impostors can most certainly be even worse for us then […]
Sexy Sleeping Rules
Air Out Your Hoo-Ha Sleeping a la nude is much healthier for your vagina. While it’s totally normal to have small amounts of yeast and bacteria down there, tight clothing and even undies can contribute to a dreaded yeast over-growth or infection. Help prevent this in the first place and “air it all out” by […]
The Wild Pharmacy
Another weed that just might be going unnoticed (just like dandelions!) is nettle. Nothing short of a health-boosting herb. Nettle has — since ancient times — been an important source of food, fiber, and pharmaceuticals. Wild nettles contain an array of vital nutrients including: tannic acid, lecithin, chlorophyll, iron, silicic acid, lime, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, […]
Spring Eating
Spring brings with it lots of growth and changing energy. The wind carries scents of melting snow, warming soil, and emerging plants. Ayurveda In Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, this idea is related to the principle of ‘vata’, pronounced with a ‘w’ sound. Vata encompasses the wind, which is also present in the autumn. […]
Lemon + Lavender Detox Bath
Epsom salt baths are a great way to get rid of those harmful, unnatural substances, you don’t want in your system. Imagine you’re at a party with lots of people — both those who were invited and those who weren’t. When the party’s over, usually at least some of those uninvited partygoers are still sticking […]