Self Care

Your Body Doesn’t Lie
Trust your own inner wisdom. Words to live by. Your body is always sending you little signals. It has it’s own language —it’s way of attempting to communicate with you. I’m constantly encouraging my clients to tune into what their body is really asking for. Often times, these physical clues show up in the form of […]

Small Change. Big Results.
Making small changes in the diet, can lead to big health results down the road (i.e. more energy, positive thinking, maintaining a healthy weight). Starting small can also help you develop a long-term foundation for sustainable, achievable change. Ever wonder why it’s way too easy to polish off an entire (big!) bag of potato chips? […]

Holistic Tips 2019
Full of good intention, resolutions are made to give us focus for the fresh year ahead. We’re always looking to better ourselves, and often make resolutions to improve our health, fitness, or relationships. Mindfulness, and goal setting, help us to manifest what we want to attract in our life. Here are some ideas to help get […]

Why Nothing Compares to Fresh Air
Getting out into the wilderness, and the life giving, oxygen-rich air of the forrest, is like nothing else. There are so many benefits to playing outdoors, whether it’s a walk in the woods, a swim in the lake, or ocean; even just a stroll down the street. There’s so much to look at when you […]

How to Prevent a Sunburn with Diet
Protect your skin from the inside out. Our diet can be even more important than just slathering on the sunscreen. A large part of natural sun protection involves eating a diet high in whole foods; which are abundant in live enzymes and act as natural anti – inflammatories. Whole foods, high in healthy fats in […]

Balance Your Hormones
These days it seems that everyone knows someone who suffers from imbalanced hormones. Conditions such as: PMS, irregular or no periods, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis and infertility are so common these days, as is bloating, fluid retention, weight gain + period pain. You can balance your hormones naturally through lifestyle changes and specific foods, […]

Guest Post: Be True to Yourself
I was recently inspired to write from the heart. It started with a small facebook post that turned into a little bit more. I wanted to come clean and be honest about how my life is so greatly effected by food. In my practice, I find that most women {myself included} struggle with some type […]

Lemon + Lavender Detox Bath
Epsom salt baths are a great way to get rid of those harmful, unnatural substances, you don’t want in your system. Imagine you’re at a party with lots of people — both those who were invited and those who weren’t. When the party’s over, usually at least some of those uninvited partygoers are still sticking […]

DIY Citrus Household Cleaner
This is one of my favourite all-purpose, household cleaners. It effectively eliminates mould, bacteria, grease and germs, and is safe for you, your family, and pets. Ingredients Orange, or any citrus fruit peels Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Water A large, airtight glass container Strainer Spray bottle Preparation Method Fill an airtight glass container with citrus […]